- mesh width:
- 660mm max
- diameter range:
- 110-400mm
- speed:
- 2-3 pcs/min
Automatic straightening rolling and welding machine
1 Model HWJ-5
2 Width 660mm
3 Diameter range 110-400mm
4 Speed 2-3 pcs/min
5 Air pressure 0.6Mpa
6 Total power 35Kw
7 Voltage 380 50Hz, 3phase
8 Weight 1370kgs
9 Dimensions 1800*1750*1880mm 700*650*1300mm
10 Electrical devices
Touchscreen: WECON
Frequency converter: VEICHUANG
Pneumatic Components: AIRTAC Somle OLK
Low voltage device: DELIX
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