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PVC steel wire pipe

2023-01-03 09:50126
Deliver:In 3 days

PVC steel wire pipe, also known as PVC steel wire reinforced pipe, has a three-layer structure. The inner and outer layers are PVC soft plastic, and the middle layer is steel wire reinforced structure, or steel wire mesh or spiral steel wire. Therefore, the pipe formed by PVC steel wire reinforced pipe has several names.

The steel wire pipe is divided into various materials in production, and the use characteristics of different materials are also different

Brief introduction of pvc steel pipe

PVC steel wire pipe, PVC steel wire reinforced pipe, PVC steel wire spiral reinforced pipe, PVC steel wire mesh reinforced hose, PVC steel wire mesh hose, etc. In fact, it refers to the modification or reinforcement of PVC pipe caused by the increase of reinforced steel wire layer inside, which has changed the strength, torsion resistance, quality and other aspects of PVC pipe.

Pvc steel wire pipe is a new type of pvc reinforced material, which has greatly improved the compression resistance and hardness. Among steel wire pipes, Z mainly has multiple production methods. The main types of steel wire pipes in the market include high pressure steel wire pipes, low pressure steel wire pipes, high temperature resistant steel wire pipes, low temperature resistant steel wire pipes, food grade steel wire hoses, anti-static steel wire reinforced hoses, PVC steel wire fiber composite pipes, etc. The use methods are different in different environments, among which the new PVC steel wire pipes are widely used.

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