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Disposable Medical Masks

2022-11-23 16:51404
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Our facemask is composed of three layers protection which are Leak Proof No-Woven Fabric,High Density Filter Layer,and Direct Contact Skin Layer. It is a medical grade mask produced in strict accordance with the national medical industry standards. Different types are used for medical protection, surgery and daily use.

Our company uses 100% pure cotton  non-woven fabric as the skin contact layer. The pure cotton non-woven fabric is directly produced from 100% raw cotton, which maximized the length and toughness of cotton fiber from being damaged and fully enhanced the softness of cotton. Therefore, the mask is soft and skin-friendly and absorbs moisture.

Our masks are classified into medical protective masks, medical surgical masks and disposable medical masks.The standard for medical protective masks is GB 19083-2010; The standard for surgical masks is YY 0469-2011;The standard for single-use medical masks is YY/T 0969 -- 2013. Medical surgical masks: Medical staff working in general outpatients and wards, staff in densely populated areas, staff engaged in administrative management, police, security and express delivery related to the epidemic, and people at medium risk, such as those isolated at home or living with them, are recommended to use. Medical protective masks: Medical protective masks are recommended for people at high risk (such as medical staff working in emergency departments, personnel testing epidemy-related samples, etc.) and people at high risk (medical staff in fever clinics and isolation wards, etc.).

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