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Who are we? Out there when most companies are busy making big, over-complicated and fancy-looking machines in order to mark a high price, our owner, also the general engineer, Mr Liang, on the other hand has been investing his expertise on 20 years' of research and development to fulfill most end-user's underlying quest for Smaller, Smarter and Simpler industrial cleaning products. Yes, we do not follow suit from our beginning in 2007. But what motivates UI intelligent cleaning to begin this journey to simplicity? Being an entrepreneur, himself starting from scratch in Shanghai, China, Mr Liang is fully aware of how (1) Insufficient Technical know-hows (2) Limited working space (3) Tight budget could be key inhibitors for start-UPS embarking on cleaning business. That is why he has been setting his sights on building something different, something that could give a tangible leg up particularly for those green-hands who are worryingly running short of technical experience and in... [more]