Factory Show
Q1: How can we get a quote?
We will offer you the best quote after we get the product specifications such as model no.,color, quantity, etc.
Q2: Can you help us with the design?
Sure, we have professional designers to offer the design service.
Q3:Can we get some samples? Free or any charges?
Yes, you should pay for the sample for testing, but we will return the sample cost in the future wholesale order.
Q4: What about the lead time for the sample and big order?
It needs 1-2 workingdays if we have sample in stock, 3-5 working days for the newly produced sample, 10-20working days for the big order.
Q5: Whatkind offormat design file you want for OEM or ODM order?
It is best if you can supply your artwork as PDFAI,CDR format file.However if this is not possible,our in-house designer can make the artwork.
Q6: What shipping method can i choose? How about the shipping time?
A). For sample or small order,it takesabout 3-7daysby Express like DHL,UPS,TNT FedEx etc,
B). For big order, it takes about 7-12 daysby Air; It takes about 15-35 daysby Sea
Q8: How can you guarantee your product quality?
A). Normally we will send you a sample to confirm everythingatfirst. We will make the bigorder exactly the same as you request.
B). 0.3% of free products will be sent with your order together.
C). During the warranty period, if due to quality problems caused by the product itself, we will provide free accessories for maintenance. However, the damage to appearance during use and filter cartridges that need to be replaced periodically are not covered by the warranty