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Home > Sell > Oats Flakes Production Line
Oats Flakes Production Line
Hits: 3974
Brand: HASEN
36500*1250: 36500**3800*1250CM
Price: 25396.82$/piece
Min quantity: 159000 piece
Quantity: 100 piece
Deliver: In 7 days
Expiry: Long-term
Update date 2022-01-29 21:13

Oats Processing Rolling Line Oat Flakes Production Line

Oats Processing Rolling Line Oats processing rolling line referes to oats flakes processing line or oat flakingplant. Oats are increasingly popular as a tasty foodstuff. And our Machinerycan manufacture excellent oats processing rolling line and help our customersbuild oat mills and develop suitable oats machinery and processes. Finishproducts by oats processing rolling line are distinguished by their pleasant taste,good shelf life and easy digestibility.Oats processing rolling line has the following technological process:
Naked oats→cleaning→hulling→washing→spin-drying→thermal treatment ofenzyme deactivation→cutting→steaming→flaking→drying→cooling→packaging→finished products

Core equipment of oats processing rolling line: oat flakes machine, which
adopts totally enclosed safety protection. Its tooth roller design has the reasonableinner tooth-reverse form. It has fine workmanship, high yield, reliable performanceand can produce qualified oat flakes.
Oats processing rolling line technical parameter:

TypeTotal Power(kw)Roller Diameter
Roller Length
Flakes Thickness
Roller RPM
Dimension L*W*H
10-15T/D 11.552505000.25-0.42651160*850*1230

Oats Processing Rolling Line working principle:

First, the naked oats are processed by cleaning and steam softening. Thenmaterial passes the feeding device of the oat flakes machine, and is sentcontinuously and evenly to the place between the two rollers which havecertain interval and pressure. Next, the oats are rolled into flakes accordingto the technological requirements. Then it has a centralized processing byscraper device and enters the next section. If there has foreign hard mattermixing into the material and entering between the two rollers, then the hardmatter will force the two rollers to be affected by a reactive force. It strutsthe tooth rollers forcibly by hydraulic system (or spring effect) so as to makethe tooth roller, shaft block and bolt have effective protection. After the hardmatter passing, the tooth rollers recover to the normal working stationautomatically.
Oats Processing Rolling Line Operation methods:
1. Cleaning: oat has the similar cleaning process with wheat. The cleaningmethod is based on the granular size and gravity difference. We can get netoats after several processes of cleaning. The equipments for cleaning are:precleaning machine, vibrating screen, peeling machine, de-ironing separator,rotary screen, specific gravity sieve. 
2. Peeling and whitening: its goal is to whiten and remove dust. It needsgentle friction to remove oat fur and skin. 
3. Cleaning and spin-drying: peeling, cleaning and then spin-drying. 
4. Thermal treatment of enzyme deactivation: without thermal treatmentof enzyme deactivation, oats fat will be oxidized in processing and affectsproducts quality and shelf life. This method can deactivate enzyme, makeoat starch burnt and increase baking taste. We use infrared ray or far-infraredheating equipment for this method. After this processing, oats should enter intothe next section or should be forced cooling in time to prevent oat greaseoxidation of overheating.
5. Cutting: cutting oats into 1/2- 1/3 granules by drum granulator. The oatsflakes after cutting can keep unanimous are easily laminated into thin flakeswithout powder. 
6. Steaming: furtherly deactivating enzyme and sterilizing. Making starch becomeinstant food, and making oats smoothed and softened for flaking. We use retroflexcooking machine for steaming. 
7. Flaking: flaking by double roller flakes machine and keeping the flakesthickness for about 0.5mm. The roller diameter of the flakes machine shouldbe 200mm.
8. Drying and cooling: drying and making the moisture reduce to 10% belowfor easy storage. Fluid bed dryer is the ideal drying equipment. Then it needscooling to normal temperature after drying. 

9. Packaging: we usually adopt material with good gas tightness, such asaluminium film, polypropylene bag and polyester bag. Besides, oat flakes areinstant food which has higher sanitary requirement needs sterile productionsystem.     

OAT DEHULLER                                               

OAT ROLLER Oat Dehulling Machine Introduction:

Oat dehulling machine ia also called oat dehuller, which is specially designedto hull, remove shells, separate and re-separate for oats. And un-hulled oatswill be returned back to dehuller for re-hulling again automatically.
It consists of input hopper, bucket elevator, main part of the machinery(including: 2 sets of dehuller, separating screen for shell-seeds-kernels,separating screen for seeds-kernels, shells-discharging device), re-separator,kernels collector, pneumatic device for back-flowing materials and electriccontrol cabinet.Oat hulling machine operation methods:
1). Feeding in raw materials when the equipment works well and adjusting theoutlet height of the feed-in hopper so as to make the raw materials feed equablyand the output match with the variety of raw materials.
2). Checking the actual result of the shells- seeds-kernels separator, if too manyshells in the front of the sieve coming out, the volume of the blowing is too small,then adjust the register of the cyclone, decrease the opening of the register toincrease the volume of blowing. On the contrary, it’s opposite.
3). Adjust the figures on the frequency inverter according to the different typesof raw materials and percentage of whole kernels required. The smaller of thefigure, the higher of whole kernels, while the rate of hulling and output volumeshall be correspondingly lower. The higher of the figure, the lower of percentageof the whole kernels, while the rate of hulling and output volume shall becorrespondingly higher, on the other hand, the frequency should be decreasedif the moisture content of raw material is lower.
4). Checking the actual result of the seeds-kernels separator, if too many seedsin the front of the sieve coming out and meanwhile too many kernels at the backof sieve are returning to the elevator for second round hulling, the angle of thesieve should be adjusted. First, loosen the locked bolt and adjust the angle ofsieve by the hand-wheels and lock the bolt again when finishing adjustment.Oat dehulling machine technical parameters:Power: 12.54Kw 
Input capacity: 1000 kgs/hour
Whole kernels rate: 95% min. 
Final kernels yield rate: 2% max.
Occupied area: 7.3m × 2.8m
Height: 3.9m
Weight: 4.5t
Operator: 2 workers
TBPS Series Semi-Dry Method Oat Kneading and Peeling Machine

PS Series Semi-Dry Method Oat Kneading and Peeling Machine 

Product Detail: 

The traditional oat peeling machine has high energy consumpton and the end products rate

only reach 50%. Our new TBPS series oat peeling machine has high end products rate: 85%.

It adopts two or three of kneading and reduces power concumption 50% above and has high

yield and economic benefits.

It can remove the oat surface ash and wheat awn. It also removes the fungaltoxin and reduces

pesticides residue so as to purity the polluted products.  

Technical Parameter: 

Model: PS-40*100

Capacity(t/h): 1.5-2


Power(kw): 1

Peeling rare (%):95%

Broken rate(%):0.5-1

Peeling net rate(%):80%


MTPS Series Oat Peeling Machine

Outlet is equipped with cleaning device for further decreasing the temperature and

cleaning the material.

Oat Peeling Machine is used as the supporting equipment in oat

processing technology or as the single equipment. Oat peeling

machine has the outstanding features of high yield and

low breakage rate. MTPS oat peeling and awn removing

machine can remove oat bran and

awn. It is the ideal supporting equipment in modern oat

processing plants. It has the features

of high yield and low breakage rate. 


★Axial inlet air design with strong air draft system, low temperature,

   good bran discharging capability.

★Toothed gear drive device for control of inlet plugboard, convenient

    and precise operation.

★Outlet is equipped with cleaning device for further decreasing the

   temperature  and cleaning the material.

★Special motor rack, compact structure, small dimension, easy

   adjustment, convenient maintenance.

★Air pressure monitor device to control negative pressure at

   a stable level in the machine.



The machine is mainly used for oat peeling in the oat


Oat peeling machine technical parameter: 


Emery Roll Diameter


Emery Roll Length


Spindle Speed






Air Volume











6级- Grade 6)



MODEL 56 Oat Centrifugal Shelling Machine

TK56 Centrifugal oat dehulling machine or oat sheller introduction:

Product details:

In the processing of oats, the oats husk need to be shelled by oat shelling

machine and then get the naked oats.

Dehusked oats are processed by cleaning the stoneand imputry and

removing awns and other harmful substances on the surface to become

premium oats.The oat hulling machine and oat peeling and awning

equipment are particularly critical in the  whole process of oat processing 

TK56 Oat Centrifugal Dehulling Machine Working Principle:

Our Machinery designed ,researched  and produced model 56

centrifugal oat sheller through absorbing Swiss's oatmeal shelling

technology and optimizing and improving Inner Mongolia oats.

The oats are put into the centrifugal disk groovefrom the feeding

port on the cover with guide groove in centrifugal disk. The materials

are throw out in the fixed direction under the action of high-speed

spinning centrifugal disk, thrown materials hitting the ring around.

Oats are completely separated from the oat hulls and kernels

cyclical impact force.

After separating the materials, the mixture of skin and kernel is

discharged into the next process from the outlet.   


The machine has the advantages of compact structure, high production

efficiency, good shelling performance, long service life,easy operation

and maintenance.

TK56 Oat Centrifugal dehulling Machine Application Areas:

The shelled oats were screened out by screening equipment. This oat

centrifugal dehulling machine is the ideal equipment for oat processing. 

Model 56 oat shelling machine represents  China's high-quality technical

equipment and successfully exported to Japan, South Korea,

Brazil and other countries with cost-effectiveness and professionalism.

TK56  Centrifugal Oat dehulling Machine Parameters:

Power: 3 kW

Hulling rate: 85%

Finished products ratio: shell 25% oats 75%

Whole kernel rate: 97%

Capacity: 0.3-0.5 tons / hour

Land area: 1029*788*1700 mm

Weight: 300 kg

Note: The data comes from the unassorted oats test-running, and

the hulling effect will be improved for production line.

We also has MTPS oat peeling machine, which can remove the

oat awn while retaining the aleurone blanket. In addition, we can

design various projects for oat processing according to customer

demand. ‬

Instant Oatmeal Production Line

Instant Oatmeal Production Line introduction:

We instant oatmeal production line has advanced oat flaking technology. It can not only

realize high automation processing, but also help to lock oats nutrition so as to improve

human body absorption, which conforms to the modern life pace. The instant oatmeal

production line realizes aseptically processing environment, which ensures the high

quality of the oatmeal. 

Technological process of instant oatmeal production line:cleaning→oat boiling→

oat drying→color sorting→steam tempering→flaking→cooling and drying→packaging

Core equipment of instant oatmeal production line:

Oat boiling machine, oat drying machine, granulator, oat steaming machine, oat dampener,

drying and cooling machine, destoner and oat washing machine, rotary sieve classifier,

circulation aspirator, oat color sorter, vapor heat exchanger, oatmeal packing machine,

pre-broken conveying equipment, cleaning and dust removing equipment. 

Technical characteristics of the instant oatmeal production line:

1. This technology changes the oat structure and state. It endows oat much better taste. 

2. The instant oatmeal production line adopts steaming, boiling, drying and flaking

technology, and increases oat plasticity and its skin color and luster by utilizing the

enzyme energy in the process of heat loss.

Oat Flakes Production Line Introduction:

OUR Oat Flakes Production Line has advanced oat flaking technology, which realizes aseptical

ly processing environment, which ensures the high quality of the oatmeal. 

Technological process and features of oat flakes prodction line :

cleaning→oat boiling→oat drying→color sorting→steam tempering→flaking→cooling and drying


Its core equipment is oat flakes machine, which adopts totally enclosed safety protection.

Its tooth roller design has the reasonable inner tooth-reverse form. It has fine workmanship,

high yield, reliable performance and can produce qualified oat flakes.

1. This technology changes the oat structure and state. It endows oat much better taste. 

2. The instant oatmeal production line adopts steaming, boiling, drying and flaking technology,

and increases oat plasticity and its skin color and luster by utilizing the enzyme energy in the

process of heat loss.

Oat flakes prodction line operation methods:

1. Naked Oat Cleaning Section: 

oat has the similar cleaning process with wheat. The cleaning method is based on the granular size

and gravity difference. We can get net oats after several processes of cleaning. The equipments

for cleaning are: precleaning machine, vibrating screen, peeling machine, de-ironing separator,

rotary screen, specific gravity sieve. 


2. Peeling and Whitening Section: 

its goal is to whiten and remove dust. It just needs gentle friction to remove oat fur and skin. 

3. Cleaning and spin-drying: 

peeling, cleaning and then spin-drying. 

4. Thermal treatment of enzyme deactivation: 

without thermal treatment of enzyme deactivation, oats fat will be oxidized in processing and

affects products quality and shelf life. This method can deactivate enzyme, make oat starch

burnt and increase baking taste. We use infrared ray or far-infrared heating equipment for this

method. After this processing, oats should enter into the next section or should be forced cooling

in time to prevent oat grease oxidation of overheating.

5. Cutting: 

cutting oats into 1/2- 1/3 granules by drum granulator. The oats flakes after cutting can keep

unanimous and are easily laminated into thin flakes without powder. 

6. Steaming: 

furtherly deactivating enzyme and sterilizing. Making starch become instant food, and making

oats smoothed and softened for flaking. We use retroflex cooking machine for steaming. 

7. Flaking: 

flaking by double roller flakes machine and keeping the flakes thickness for about 0.5mm.

The roller diameter of the flakes machine should be 200mm.

8. Drying and cooling: 

drying and making the moisture reduce to 10% below for easy storage. Fluid bed dryer is

the ideal drying equipment. Then it needs cooling to normal temperature after drying. 

9. Packaging: 

we usually adopt material with good gas tightness, such as aluminium film, polypropylene

bag and polyester bag. Besides, oat flakes are instant food which has higher sanitary

requirement and needs sterile production system.

Oat flakes machine technology parameter:


Total Power(kw)

Roller Diameter

Roller Length

Flakes Thickness

Roller RPM

Dimension L*W*H






















Oat Sheller


Oat sheller or oat dehulling and separating equipment is the patented product. Oat dehuller

can dehull and separate the whole groats into the oat groats. This machine has the features

of compact structure and easy operation. In dehulling technology, it has already reached the

domestic advanced level. It is the ideal equipment for oat preliminary processing and also

solves the hulled oats problems. 


Oat sheller adopts complete steel movement and the blade adopts wear-resistant material,

which prolongs the service life. There has the motor drive externally, which is easily maintained

and changed.  

It adjusts the screen angle of inclination to realize ideal screening efficiency. 

The vibration negative pressure sorting machine and the auger stripper make the shell

collection and reduce dust. 

The vibration source of the whole equipment adopts vibration motor, which is easily installed. 

Technical Parameters: 

Rate of perfect kernel:95% above
Seed rate in the kernels:2% below
Processing capacity:0.6-0.8 t/h
Floor space:7.3mX2.8m
Installation height: 3.9m
Total weight:2.8t
