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heavy steel structure Villa
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Update date 2024-08-27 11:01

1. Product description

Heavy steel structure villa uses national standard H-shaped steel as the main frame. The thickness and strength are higher, and the bearing capacity is stronger. Through several layers of anti-corrosion and anti-rust treatment, the corrosion resistance is better, the partition wall construction methods are more diversified, and the service life is significantly longer than that of brick-concrete and light steel structures. Heavy steel frame structure is also a frame structure model commonly used in mid- and high-rise buildings now, with a wide range of application fields and mature technical systems.

2. Product advantages:

(1) High firmness

The load-bearing structure of a heavy steel frame structure residence is beams, plates, and columns. Due to the load-bearing structure, the frame structure can be built to dozens of floors.

(2) High degree of freedom in wall modification

Most of the walls of heavy steel frame structures are not load-bearing, so it is relatively simple to modify. Just knock off the wall. The modification is very flexible. At the same time, it is also very convenient to modify the water and electricity of heavy steel structures.

(3) Room area and bays are not restricted

The thickness and strength of heavy steel are higher, and the bearing capacity is stronger. The heavy steel frame structure is mainly a beam and column structure with good integrity and is not limited by bays.

3. Packaging & Shipping:
