Main business:建筑工程用机械销售:机械设备销售:二手车交易市场 经营:机械设备租赁:建筑工程机械与设备租赁:建筑材料销售:五金产品零售:电线、电缆经营;土石方工程施工:总质量4.5吨及以下普通货运车辆道路货物运输(除网络货运和危险货物):国际货物运输代理:一手车经纪(除许可业务外,可自主依法经营法律法规非禁止或限制的项目)
Main business:New and used construction machinery of various brands such as excavators, bulldozers, loaders, road rollers, aerial lifts and their accessories
Main business:Fully automatic production line for rectangular air ducts, circular air duct production lines, laser cutting machine production lines, damper production lines, groove production lines, comprehensive support and hanger production lines, cable tray pro